Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2. Let It Snow ... Let it Snow....

Since we've gotten up to Vermont in early April, it has snowed four times, including May 9th - a pleasant Mother's day snow blanket =) Here is a snapshot of the farm from the yurt porch on our first morning at the farm. The silhouette of the Green Mountains is hiding in the background. Mamus and Jurek were actually up here with us to see this early spring phenomena. They got to meet our great farm family, to have a tasty farm breakfast and got a nice tour of the farm!

Kyle and Mamus on the deck of our yurt.

Jurek and Kyle

Jurek double checking our stove ... making sure we'll be able to stay warm =)

Mamus getting cozy inside =P

Jurek teaching the newborn lambs how to feed off of an artificial udder.

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