Friday, May 28, 2010

3. Lambing Season in Full Swing!

While we've been at the farm, there have been over 300 lamb born. The sheep had anywhere between one and five lambs each. Watching the birth process has been pretty incredible. Below are some pictures of one of the first births we've witnessed. This particular ewe had twins.

You can just see the front hooves pushing through.

Here comes the head ... To the right is another baby lamb just born about an hour earlier to another ewe.

The lamb is almost out and she is covered in lots of yellow birth guuuuuu. We've both handled the newborns while still covered in this yellow goodness =)

The mom often gets up multiple times during this process. The lamb sometimes comes out while the mom is upright, its pretty wild!

After the lamb is out, the mom licks off the yummy guuuuu. Some moms do a better job than others, hence some newborns are a bit crusty while others are clean and fluffy.

The black ewe - who had her babies just a little while ago - joins in on the cleaning. Sometimes sheep claim others' lambs, while others abandon their newborns.

The lamb birth doesn't seem to be as painful as the human birth. While the sheep is pushing out the second baby, she is still cleaning the first born.

That wraps up the photo shoot. The sheep asks for her privacy =)

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