Saturday, June 26, 2010

17. The Golden Girls

16. Tinker Bell and Chocolate

Kyle with Tinker Bell - the farm cow, a Jersey. She is the mother of Chocolate, the dark, handsome cut of beef below! Last year this girl gave birth to another boy - Rascal, who is often savored for lunch or dinner! Currently she is pregnant once again ... lots of beef to be had here at Bonnieview Farm =)

Friday, June 25, 2010

15. Nature Walk Close to Home

This is an attempt to capture the amazing panoramic view of the Green Mountains which is seen from a great nature trail near our farm.

Kyle looking cool in his amazing sunglasses from the KPKC Survival Satchel, donated by Matt Kazimierski. Everything looks just a bit cooler in these shades ...

Seen through Kasia's sunglasses ... the retro scape!

Kyle ...

A farm at the foothills of the trail with the sky reflected in the roof of our hip, baby blue , Old Man Saturn or an imaginary lake =)

14. The Attempted Rescues ...

This the the beautiful view on the way to the green house or the lamb living quarters. Mt. Mansfield stand in the background.

Often upon entering the greenhouse, Kyle did the lamb waltz with one of the wooly creatures!

Kasia's giving special treatment to Mr. Cow. Unfortunately, natural selection took its tall on this spotted creature =(

Hoping to revive these two little guys, Kyle is feeding the weak lambs.

Kyle is hanging out with his buddy Snow Flake, whom was also getting some special treatment. This is days before we lost the little guy =( This is when we got to experience the unfortunate loss of the young animals.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

13. Nature Walk through Local Farms near Stowe

While driving along, we stumbled upon this amazing walking trail through private farms.

We got a glimpse of farms and views that you can't see from a main road or a hiking trail. It felt like walking through the set of an old time movie.

Friday, June 18, 2010

12. The Hungry Growing Lambs

Here are the lambs growing big and strong. They've graduated from feeding off the bucket utter to the garbage can utter. Big steps for big lambs =P The lambs grew incredibly fast. Some of these were between 30 and 40 lbs. Ofcourse they did lose some of their baby cuteness, but they did start to look more and more like tasty sausages =)

11. Lake Champlain @ Berlington

This is a view from Berlington, the largest city in Vermont. The city lies on Lake Champlain and the Adirondack Mountains in New York are seen in the distance.

We came up in early May ... just when the flowers started blossoming up here.

The view was really breath-taking and so peaceful to look at.

This is one of those amazing places you can sit all day and be continually amazed at what you are looking at =)

10. Beauty Everywhere We Look

One of the really wonderful things about living in Vermont, is that everywhere you look there is something interesting to look at. There aren't just beautiful destinations, but beauty is all around us. Driving from one place to another, we see lots of great landscapes and catch glimpses off little wonders. This picture was taken driving on the highway with no billboards - another thing to love about VT =)

9. Freaky Elk Farm

One day driving home, we encountered this elk farm. Yes, Elk!!! So apparently someone started this project, or something along these lines - pay, enter the premises, kill an enclosed 'game animal' and leave a hunter hero ... not our idea of real game =( Either kill in the wild or stick to Buck Hunter Pro with a beer in one hand and plastic gun in the other=)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

8. Lamb Feeding Begins

Kyle and one of his favorites - Snowflake - the fuzziest, cleanest lamb from the bunch. This is the greenhouse where we would place all the new born lambs after they were seperated from their mamas. By the end of the season, the whole area was filled with lambs of all different sizes and shades of colors. They were a pretty loud bunch. We could hear they all the way in our yurt at night!

Kasia is bottle feeding a little guy who couldn't manage on his own.

The lambs are crowding all around and nibbling on Kasia, their new mama. Well actually the white bucket with the artificial nipples is their new mama =)

One of the many crusty lambs taking refuge on Kasia's dirty, poopy lap.

Bambi Jr. nibbling on Kasia ... this was a very common practice among the lambs.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

7. Milking

It snowed again ... This is a shot from the milking parlor, where we now milk about 15 sets of a dozen ewes. This picture was taken during our first few weeks on the farm. It would get so cold during the milkings that we would keep our hands on the warm utters so that our hand wouldn't feel frozen ... a once in a life time moment hehe

On a slightly warmer day Kasia is enjoying the milking process. Apparently holding sheep udders does wonders for your skin! Beats all those expansive lotions =)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

6. Bike Ride Around the Block

Its pretty obvious who is the more intense bike out of the two of us =)
Neighboring farm.

Giant work horses who live near by ...
and some smaller ones ...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

5. Taking Care of Premature Lambs

Kyle is bottle feeding a tiny premature lamb that was being neglected by a first time mom.

Here is one of the two premies. She is up and standing. Kasia spent lots of time with this little lamb who came to be know as Peanut. Even though she spend lots of time in the special ed pen she grew to be big and strong after all the special care she got =)